Wednesday, November 6, 2019


February 2019 Dear daughter, I want to give you some insight into why I’m striking today. I’m outside in the cold and rain...for you. And for children in our community who deserve to have their basic needs met when they go to school. That means having teacher’s that have time to care for each of them, time for self-care and resources to feel good about teaching, not running out the door at a “better opportunity” in a neighboring district. A validation of their hard work and their back breaking dedication to some of our most vulnerable citizens. I’m striking so that us, as school psychologists can feel as if we are a part of the school community in a much bigger way, rather than being testing machines, providing necessary mental health services, general education intervention services, and teacher support through consultation and classroom programming (remember that self-regulation stuff we use at home? Imagine if that can be taught in classes!). With a smaller caseload, being at one or two schools (rather than 3 or 4!) and feeling less stretched for time, perhaps that would become a reality. I’m out here in this energizing crowd, hoping that nurses can somehow feel acknowledged and validated for their insane caseloads. Recognizing that social workers, counselors, and speech therapists all do much with such little resources. It’s a bigger cause than “just a raise”. It’s a movement for a more just living situation. It’s a vehicle of awareness for where education priorities are in our society, and it’s a difficult but necessary path for what is right. Thank you for listening, daughter, and don’t forget to make good choices. :) Love, your mom.

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