Saturday, April 2, 2011


when spring hits, it's usually with a sign of relief and also a flutter of activity. it's a time for gearing up to the end of the school year, testing like a fiend, and...getting layoff notices. especially in our state, this is a common thing. the uncommon thing about this year, is that even special ed school psychs are being cut. that leaves about 41 psychs for more than 100 schools in my district. and oh yeah, i got that reputed pink slip. it "recommended" that i "may or may not be needed" next year. what a predicament for teachers who are putting their blood sweat and tears into their jobs, and then they get this letter in march. how sucky that they have to go to work every day knowing they're expendable and feel as if they're in an awkward position to motivate students to do well on their end of the year tests and classes.
for me, i'm adopting a shrug, with "it is what it is" attitude. i will be disappointed if not asked back, but this weird seniority totem pole puts me at the bottom, and i can't do anything about it. well i could "fight" back, expend energy at a hearing, talk to the union people, all that drama. but really, it's probably an opportunity for some change (which i'm trying to embrace in the field of constant changes). maybe it will be good. all i know is that i'm not going to stress out over it. there are a lot of jobs out there (contrary to our economic perception). unfortunately, it's the students who get the dirty end of the stick, or however that saying goes. it's ironic that that's how our society rolls. we encourage ambition and success, but then set up our next generation for failure.
well, i'll take the small moments of success and spring time happiness where i can get it :) onward!

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