Saturday, May 21, 2011

kids are kind

i decided to add some positive energy into my workspace by having the students contribute to a "question of the month." i posted a question on the wall outside my office at my elementary school and waited. eventually i started seeing some amazing ideas and answers to the questions (some questions based off of a "spinspiration" game i helped develop during karmakitchen.1 in berkeley). here are some of the responses throughout the year. it was heart-warming and yet sad to me how some of the expressions are things many of us take for granted...

If you had a million dollars what would you do with it and why?
- I would give back to my city. So I could fix it up
- I would buy food for my family and a car
- I would give to foster children, homeless and everybody who needs it...yah, my family
- I would give it to the school: books, pencils, better food
- I would give back to the community, give some to charity and buy big houses to my family
- I will give some money to the shelter or the needy
- Buy Haiti food and clothes
- I will buy food so I can survive and for my family

What does someone in your family/community do for you that helps you most?
- My grandma helps me with my homework
- My teacher help me learn
- My family cares and loves me no matter what, and I thank them!
- My mom, she's always there to remind me of how great I am. Sometimes, mean people want me to forget that I am GREAT!! (Mr. Chris)
- My parents keep a roof over my head
- Tell me they love me
- My dad and family love, care, support, and keep me on my feet!

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